Time for On-site Summer- and Winter Course Training!

The Winter and Summer Courses are two longer residential courses that we hold on a yearly basis. They have been offered digitally during the pandemic, but now it is possible to register for the regular Winter Course.

Every year we also offer additional training courses in Stockholm and/or Gothenburg where we focus on the movements and practice learned on the longer courses. We have ‘Winter Course Training’ where we practice what we were taught during the Winter Course. This course is arranged in Gothenburg already next week, November 11-13. Click here to register. During the course we call ‘Summer Course Training’ we instead focus on what we were taught during the Summer Courses. This course is next arranged January 4-8 in Stockholm. Click here to register. Welcome to participate!

Below some pictures from November 2019 and January 2020, the last time these courses were organised before the pandemic. Then we held both courses in Gothenburg. The room was well filled with many participants and a good atmosphere.

Training during the Winter Course Training November 2019.

In the breaks there was a lot of tea and conversations next to the training room.

Training during the Summer Course Training after New Years 2020. About 70 participants joined the course.

Winter Course 2023

Many of us have been longing to train together at our longer courses, such as the summer and winter courses. Therefore it feels extra good at this time to announce that we are now opening up the booking for the winter course 2023. As usual, we will meet up at the Kalskoga Folk High School during week 8 when they have a winter holiday. The winter course lasts six days, from Monday through Saturday. During the seventh and last day, we will practice Xing Shen Zhuang. If you want to practice more or are a beginner, you can also join the basic course on the weekend of week 7. This will give you a chance to practice for nine days together with many others in our qi field. As we usually do, we will also add an eye course and a comb course during the week.

Shenxin Qigong is a dynamic qigong method that was created by our founder Su Dongyue. It will give us light physical training, stimulate our qi, and help our qi to go deeper. It is extra beneficial to practice during the winter when we need some extra energy and warmth.

This year it is extra important that we get to know in good time if you want to join the course.

Click on the links below to get to the booking pages for the courses.
Winter course (6 days) https://courses.zhinengqigong.eu/index.php/en/?id=981
Basic course Shenxin Qigong https://courses.zhinengqigong.eu/index.php/en/?id=984
EasyCare for the Eyes https://courses.zhinengqigong.eu/index.php/en/?id=982
Qi comb regulation https://courses.zhinengqigong.eu/index.php/en/?id=983


New Online Course – Qi-Comb Regulation to Prevent the Flu

You are very welcome to participate in a new, online based Qigong course where we use the Qi-comb method to prevent disease symptoms and positively influence our health state. The course aim at you who previously have taken a course where you’ve learned the Qi-comb method at one of our annual Summer Courses or Winter Courses.

Influenza and viruses often spread to us via the respiratory system. This method regulates and strengthens the function of the entire breathing apparatus. The emphasis is on strengthening and improving the lungs and other respiratory systems, but it can affect and improve our entire lives. The training with the comb can regulate meridians, acupuncture points, circulation and our mental state. An important part of the course and training is also to replenish qi in our comb.

Course Setup and Registration

The course is about 70 minutes long and consists of two parts. In the first part, you learn the new method. In the second longer part we practice La Qi, the new method, and qi-regulation.

We are giving this course now for the very first time on Thursday, April 7, at 19.30 Swedish time.

The course is open to anyone who has participated in a Qi-Comb course with us before. Registration is made by e-mail to info@zhinengqigong.eu and payment of the course fee.

The course costs SEK 600:- and is paid to our bank giro before the respective course starts. Sweden: Bg 862-0171 Other Country: IBAN: SE02 8000 0832 7992 3432 8616 and BIC: SWEDSESS.

Closer to the course, you will receive an email with the information you need to participate.



SOL – Summer Course Training Online for 18 Days This Summer

Like last year, we will arrange SOL 18 days instead of our traditional Summer Course. The SOL-course is open to those who previously have participated in our Summer Course, for at least 9 days.

The course starts on Monday June 27 and the last day is Thursday July 14. We will train between 08:30 – 11:30 (Swedish time) each day. Before the start of the course there will be a newly recorded lecture with Dongyue.

More information about SOL 18 days this summer will later be emailed out to those who have participated in the Summer Course with us before.
