Zhineng Qigong Helps Marie-Louise with Her Lumbago

I had a lot of problems with lumbago. Each time it lasted for many days and I was often on sick leave. The last time I was on sick leave for five weeks. My shoulders were stiff and constantly aching, I also had problems with my neck.

Hard to Get Lasting Relief

A few times per year I went to a naprapath. It helped for the moment but I had to go back after a while. I was tired of being stiff, sore, depressed and having an aching body. I constantly thought about the pain and what I should do to get rid of it. At the same time I had to take care of my children and my job. It was a tough time when I think back.

My naprapath mentioned Qigong. Ok, I thought to myself. I recently read an article about Qigong in a newspaper. I called the contact person and came in contact with a practice group in Trollhättan.

First Basic Course

A couple of weeks later I attended a basic course in Gothenburg. It was exciting, very pleasant and no stress. In the evening after the first day I immediately feel asleep. At six o’clock my alarm clock went off. I had slept the whole night. When I woke up my body felt like a raspberry drop, soft and painless. I felt lyrical.

Zhineng Qigong helps Marie-Louise with her lumbago

Tearful Naprapath

Three month after my first basic course I had an appointment with my naprapath. I was curious what she would say. I laid down on her bench and she directly asked me what had happened. My legs were of equal length. They hadn’t been that during my five years as her patient. She asked me what I had done. I said I did what she told me to. Was it the Nordic walking poles I recommended, she asked. No you told me to try Qigong, I replied. She got shivers down her spine and tears in her eyes.

No Need for Painkillers

I invest a lot of time in practising Qigong. It’s really good and I can recommend it with all my heart. Before I practised Qigong I went to the doctor and he gave me painkillers. Today I can handle the problems myself with Qigong. I’ve got a tool that I can use to take care of myself.

In my spare time I look after my grandchildren. It’s not possible to have pain while playing with them. I will try to put them on my sofa and practise Qigong, hopefully they will calm down a little.

Now I can use my time for other things than thinking about pain. People around me are impressed by my effort because they know how much pain I had. I’m back on track.

Now I can use my time for other things than thinking about pain. People around me are impressed by my effort because they know how much pain I had. I’m back on track.

Marie Louise