10-Year Anniversary for Functioning Legs
10 years of functioning legs. Thanks to my practice with European Zhineng Qigong I’m celebrating my 10-year anniversary this year. I took my first course in January 2006. It was…
The Pain Dissolved After a Course in EasyCare Wellness Qigong
After a course in EasyCare Wellness Qigong the pain that Johanna used to suffer from in her neck and arm disappeared. Her way to handle a though situation also changed….
Peten got better vision and several other improvements after a weekend course
My name is Anne Margrethe, but everyone calls me “Peten”. I am 82 years old and recently attended a weekend course in Hold Qi Up in Bergen. I have trained…
Allergy Reactions, Food Intolerance and Pelvic Locking Disappeared During the Summer Course
I received information about Zhineng Qigong through an acquaintance, in Fall, 2006. As a mother of a 2 year old toddler, and having just started studying, my life was quite…
Tuina helped Gun-Erna with whiplash, serious tremors and a complicated fracture
A dramatic accident On November 19, 1989, I was involved in a dramatic traffic accident. I was driving a fairly large Audi and the roads were slippery. I stopped beside…
With qigong Lotta-Karin succeeded in recovering from years of pains, sickness and lack of energy
12 May 2012 I started to practice Zhineng Qigong. I was ill when I started to practice, with pains and lack of energy. I hadn’t been able to work since…
After a weekend course Björn could straighten his stiff and limp leg
Unpleasantly stiff By the end of 2014 I began to experience an unpleasant stiffness in my body. When I changed the tyres on my car ready for winter, it was…
Ramsay Hunt Syndrom – qigong practise helped Yaquta in a critical situation
My name is Yaquta Morton: I am 70 years old, mother of five, grandmother of 13. Acupuncture therapist, Acupressure instructor. Community Health educator. I met Master Su and invited him…
From part time to full time thanks to qigong practice
After a heart surgery in 2017 Beate only managed to work half time. In 2018 she joined the Winter Course and got so well that she could start working full time again. Read and get inspired by the will to keep practice even when things don’t go as planned.
Livia’s leg straightened out
I have had shin splints and a knee injury in both my legs due to pronating feet, so called runner’s knee. I have always pronated inwards which has caused my…