Green tea for health

Drinking green tea has proven to have a healing effect on the body and is an easy and effective way to stay healthy. Some of the positive effects of green tea are: lower cholesterol values, a strengthened immune system and reduced risk of infections, cardiovascular disease, cancer and tooth decay (caries).

Green tea Green tea contains several useful vitamins, nutrients and a large number of antioxidants. It also has antibacterial qualities that account for the positive effects on tooth decay, infections, food poisoning etc. In addition, drinking green tea on a daily basis gives an anti-virus effect which provides protection against the influenza.

The green tea differs from other sorts of tea e.g. black tea in that it has not been fermented and thus contains more of its original substances. It is worth mentioning that the healthy ingredients can vary between different types of green tea. High quality teas contain more health promoting ingredients, whilst low quality teas have almost none.

According to Chinese tradition, the tealeaves should be placed directly into the teapot and be left to soak for five to ten minutes. It is preferable to buy tea in loose weight since it can be hard to determine the actual quality of the tea in pre-packaged teabags.