Kicki’s unexpected results

Kicki was prepared to try everything A few years ago I found myself in the midst of one of those periods in life where there is chaos in all aspects. Here and there I could see advertisements about a Zhineng Qigong Course in Växjö. I decided that it could not make my life any worse if I tried this out. I talked to somebody who said that Zhineng Qigong could be very effective against muscular pain. For the last six months I had been having this aggressive muscular inflammation in my shoulder – a so called mouse arm – a case which chiropractors, physiotherapists, naprapaths and a doctor with a three-day course education in acupuncture have taken on to their heart’s content, without any lasting result. I was prepared to try everything and those who have felt real pain for longer periods know exactly what I mean.

I joined the lecture and I heard Su Dongyue talk about Zhineng Qigong. He told us about the results that people in various places have achieved through training. It sounded almost too good, but he did not talk so much about what Zhineng Qigong really is. Mr Su wanted us to try it ourselves. It was difficult to follow what he said, but the exercise was not. As we sat there trying the exercise, it felt like when you get on the airplane for a holiday travel. A real energy kick! I spent all that evening practising the simple movements he had taught us. Suddenly it was not at all hard to understand what it was all about.

The Weekend Course was painful but nice. It was a little like when you do workout and you get a lot of lactic acid. Time just flew away. From the physical point of view it was like doing workout in slow motion. It felt surprisingly difficult. Sometimes it was as though there were weights resisting you in certain movements. To my great surprise almost all of the pain in my shoulder had disappeared after the first Weekend Course. And I felt happy and calm.

I continued to practise, and that is the point that I want to make. It was a little hard to remember all of the movements. Well, the training brought with it more surprises than the shoulder pain that disappeared. Ten years before my gynaecologist had informed me that I was unable to have children. After surgery of the ovaries the resulting scar tissue had, so to speak, put them to a dead stop. And believe me I had tested the doctors´ diagnose thoroughly. At that point I did not care so much about it since I had not planned for children in my life anyway. I could of course have gone through surgery again to open up the constricted parts or whatever they called it, or, or…At that time of life it did not seem so important. But after six months of reasonably regular Zhineng Qigong training I found myself being four months pregnant. It was a real shock, which turned out to be a happy surprise.

Maybe it cannot be proven that Zhineng Qigong was the reason for my unexpected pregnancy… but as for me myself, I am convinced. To have children is an intense matter and this is no less true of the first year after giving birth. The Zhineng Qigong training was shelved – that is, until I realized how much I had come to miss that extra energy boost in my life and started to practise again. To be perfectly honest, I had also spent so much time working in front of my computer that I had got pain in my other arm. Pain is a powerful incentive to get oneself started. After another Weekend Course the pain completely disappeared. My naprapath wondered what I had done. She had wished to put me on sick leave for three months, and now there were no symptoms left at all. “That’s impossible”, she said; “what have you been doing…?” I replied “Zhineng Qigong”. “Well continue with that”, she said.

Being an over stressed mother with full time work in two fields, it is all too easy to get worked up and get a little “burned”. You start to forget things, you get irritated and angry…To my surprise my memory works better after a couple of months with Zhineng Qigong. This time I intend to keep up my training! I wish to thank Mr Su, Ika, the teachers from European Zhineng Qigong Center and those of you who do not give up, but continue unwaveringly to inspire others and relieve their pain. It is the best help for self care I have ever tried. It rates as 100% environmental friendly, without chemical additives but possibly somewhat addictive.

To those of you who think that this sounds too good: I think so to when I look at it that way. But try it first and think afterward.

Kicki Farbäck

37 years old