Agneta No Longer Suffers from Recurring Lumbago


My initial contact with Qigong was when I read an article about Qigong in the Swedish magazine Hälsa. I immediately felt confidence for the method. There was no course close to my hometown until a few years later. By then I suffered from recurring lumbago and was in need of help. I thought maybe this could help me.

Greater Range of Motion, Better Balance, Stronger Back

My first course was difficult. I noticed how tense I was and how difficult it was for me to stand still and find my vertical point of balance. But I understood that this was something I needed. After the course I noticed that my body gradually had a greater range of motion, my balance was better and my back stronger. After I had joined my second course, about a year later, my back improved. Earlier I would regularly suffer from lumbago, which would put me on sick leave for a week. At this time I would just have a bit of pain in my back every now and then.

I used to be a member of several choirs, but I had to quit because I could not breathe right and keep my balance while singing. But with the help of Qigong it was easy to regain my balance.

More Patience, Less Tired in the Morning and Reduced Pollen Allergy

When I participated in my second course, some other participants said that they felt calmer after practising Zhineng Qigong. Not until then did I realize that I was also calmer. I had focused on the physical improvements only, but there had also been a mental change. I would not get angry as easily as before. I had greater patience.

So I continued to practise and decided to begin each morning by practising Qigong. Gradually I overcame my morning tiredness and this gentle way of starting each morning became a natural habit. For 20 years I had suffered from pollen allergy in the spring, but gradually the symptoms receded. I began to forget to take the preventive medication and last spring I realized that I did not need it at all.

The Summer Course Was a Turning Point

It has not always been easy to absorb the information about how good this method is or all the encouragement to practise more. All the stories about people who have recovered sounded exaggerated, even though I have also improved my health. I thought that these were probably just a few enthusiasts whose stories were told over and over. But I still never doubted that the method works. The Summer Course of 2009 in Nossebro was a turning point for me. Now that I have met all the people behind the stories, and also understood my own positive development, I have started to listen openly to what is said during the courses.

The summer after the course I woke up in the morning with a wonderful feeling of joy. It felt a bit like the feeling I would get during the summer holiday when I was a child. I had an abundance of energy, felt alive and had a strong self confidence. Often during group practice, I feel these feelings of joy bubbling up.

Bodily and Mental Awareness

I am much more aware of my body. My posture has improved and I better notice if, e.g., my shoulders get tense. During my first Summer Course it was amazing to explore my whole body like a geographical landscape. I could also realize how my physical tensions are connected to my mental tension and blockages. My Qigong training became a new and exciting adventure.

After the Autumn Course of 2009 my inner journey continued. I noticed my negative thoughts more and how they affect my energy level. It became easier to not listen to or follow the negative. This helped me to, e.g., choose not to express negative statements about myself and others. But what I enjoy the most is that the constant hubbub of thoughts in my head is actually diminished. I can also more easily choose not to get angry or upset and I can handle adversities calmly. Now I have landed in the Zhineng Qigong-method. It fulfils all my expectations both physically and mentally. The method has become my source of life.

Love, Consideration, Humour, Simplicity

An important realisation that I could see clearly in practice during my first Summer Course was that the purpose is not that only I should progress, but that we help each other. This is important for the practitioners and it is done naturally. The main goal is not to gain personal benefits through diligent practice. The highest goal is to lovingly share. I have rarely seen as much consideration and empathy among so many strangers. It is natural and you are accepted exactly as you are. I laugh often, but the Summer Course is in a class of its own when it comes to humour.

Many aspects of Zhineng Qigong have attracted me over the years. Outer attributes, such as clothes or diet are not emphasised, even though they do affect us. What is important is practising the method. It is simple, and we keep returning to the same exercises, which means there is time to delve more deeply into them. This becomes a good balance to our society, where we always just hurry along. Qigong promotes a simple life, you don’t need many material possessions to have a good life. You get a lot of help to practise. The help is clear and straightforward. There is nothing fuzzy about this method.

Agneta Aspelin