Birgitta has quit her pain killers

In 1986 I broke a leg. It was a complicated fracture and the process of healing dragged on. After I had got infections in my leg, the doctors wanted to perform arthrodesis. Initially I was bound to a wheelchair. Then I could walk with crutches. My cousin, who already practiced Qigong called me to see if I might be interested in Qigong. We attended a lecture and I was very touched. Immediately I signed up for the weekend course.

My brother and my sister in law had joined a summer course already and they strongly recommended me to do the same. In the summer of 2000 it was time for me to join one. The most revolutionary thing that happened to me was that the pain in my leg disappeared. A painful spot between my shoulders also disappeared and I still get improvements there. I had been on a lot of pain killers for many years but I could quit using them.

Birgitta has no pains anymore The improvements don’t come without effort. You have to work and fight to get them and I think that is the right way to get results. Curiosity made me start practicing Qigong and it keeps me going. The training is like a gift from above. Before the Qigong training I had tried yoga, gymnastic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and acupuncture but without improvements.

I used to have a disabled parking permit for my car but this year I can’t get one because I’m too healthy! Something that feels very good is that I can pass this on to my grandchildren; I can give them security. This summer course we’ve studied the word “communicate”. You don’t have to fight just because you don’t agree with each other.

Birgitta Mandorf