Zhineng Qigong helped Ursula after breast cancer surgery

I started practising Qigong in September 2005 after undergoing breast cancer surgery and tough cytostatic and radiation therapies. Before I was diagnosed I was quite healthy and content with my life. Of course I had times in my job at a school when I was “busy, busy” and I did try to wind down in different ways. But it wasn’t whole-heartedly.

A calm method for improved circulation

Since I knew I could easily have problems with my right arm, where all the lymphatic glands in the armpit have been removed due to the cancer, I was eager to start some kind of calm method that wouldn’t stress my arm too much, but still keep all kind of circulation going. Through friends I found out that Qigong would suit women in my situation well.

Mentally, I understood that if my body “reacted” this strongly it was a sign that I had to do something to change my hectic life.

In the autumn of 2005 I attended my first weekend course and I immediately noticed that the method and the Qigong philosophy appealed to me. I practised quite sporadically at first and not until I had attended my first summer course in 2006 did I really understand how you should practise. After that summer, I have tried to attend as many courses as I can and I have also tried to practise actively together with my Qigong friends in Turku.

Feeling restored in the armpit and body more flexible

I find it difficult to write about my results, since I can’t really list very many concrete ones. My body is more flexible and my neck and shoulders don’t hurt the way they used to from time to time. My right armpit, which was numb after the surgery, has regained some feeling. If I don’t practise for some time, I immediately notice it in my body; I feel stiff and rigid and my scar feels like a thick rubber band.

I have greater patience

I work as a teacher in quite a large school where there is always something going on. I am certain that Qigong has given me more patience with all the teenagers and all my colleagues. I have realized that one really wastes large amounts of Qi when one loses one’s patience and gets angry. I also think that my practising Qigong has made me less prone to anxiety that the cancer will return.

A feeling of being able to accomplish anything

In order to be able to keep practising Qigong, I’m dependent on all the wonderful Qigong friends that I get to practise with. It feels great to meet new people who are so easy to understand, like and discuss things with.

I am also very grateful for learning a method that allows me to influence my health and my mind without any external assistance. Even if I were placed in a small, dark prison cell I could still practise La Qi. This is of course just a symbolic thought for me, but when I know this I realize that I can do almost anything if I practise Qigong. I am so grateful for all the inspiring and understanding Qigong teachers that I have met. A great big THANK YOU to Mr. Su for introducing the Zhineng Qigong method here in the Nordic countries.Ursula Öhrman 200 x 300

Ursula Öhrman