Zhineng Qigong creates unlimited possibilities for Anna

I was recommended by friends to try Zhineng Qigong. I had a tough period of time behind me. Being burned out, I was in need of a method to handle stress. Zhineng Qigong is a great tool. If I come home from work and I’m speeded up, my thoughts are very well diverted after practising. I get to see things from other perspectives. After practising things just fall off from me. It’s great!

Even though I started to practice 1.5 years ago it’s not until now, in my first summer course, that I start to understand what Qigong really is about, a little bit at least. I realise that I only scratch the surface of how vast it is. The philosophy of the method feels obvious to me but the fascination over its width just grows.

The summer course

My friends had told me about the summer course but still it’s impossible to imagine what it’s like. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a place with so much kindness. Everybody is so kind; young and old, women and men. I think that was the first thing that crossed my mind when I came here. It’s not the state you usually meet out in society. The environment is welcoming. Very welcoming!

Zhineng Qigong creates unlimited possibilities for Anna Being here you are cut off from the rest of the world, from events, news and situations you usually confront. It’s a useful experience to realise that it works very well and it’s very relieving.

I can be much more in the present now. The first day at the course I found myself counting that there were eight days left. I haven’t thought like that anymore. I’m just here and now. Today is today, it’s not tomorrow. It’s important to seize the day. It’s useful considering the way we usually live.

Zhineng Qigong – unlimited possibilities

With Qigong we meet what we have to meet. We get what we need. It helps me to realise the width of what the training gives us mentally and it also gives me the courage to meet it. To get an understanding about the strength that we all have and that we can reach by mental training. This mental tool is something you can use in all situations in life. It’s very exciting.

At the course I’ve had pain in my hands and fingers. Usually I don’t have so I understand that Qi found places in my body that need to be improved even though I didn’t know I had them. They didn’t show up yet. It’s just for me to keep on practicing. Just do it!

It feels as if I have sowed a seed to unlimited possibility by Qigong. The curiosity increases. It’s a great challenge but I’m really happy being here. I thought I would miss home but surprisingly I would have liked to stay the following nine days as well. I will come back! Definitely!

Anna Lindén