Your Opportunities This Summer

Dongyue Su’s strong recommendation for the good of our lives is that we join our qi-field as often as possible. This summer you have the chance to do it on several occasions. When we organize an event, it is always an opportunity to get a lot and fine qi.

The very best we can offer this summer is our Summer Course step one, 9 days just outside Alingsås at Hjälmareds Folkhögskola. We check in in the afternoon of August 6, have a lecture in the evening and finish the course at lunch on August 15. Best of all, Dongyue Su leads the course and we get to share his wisdom and understanding. Extra nice when we did not have that opportunity during the pandemic years. Strong training and strong qi-field. The course is also open to those who have not practised with us before. There are many registered already but there are still places left.

June 26 – July 13 we arrange SOL – Summer Course Training Online, for those who previously have participated in at least 9 days Summer Course with us. It is the same training course we had instead of the regular Summer Course during the pandemic. We train in the morning for 2 or 3 hours. You can participate 9 or 18 days. The course has given very good results for several, read more on our website under ‘course reports’.

In connection with the SOL course, Dongyue Su gives a newly recorded lecture online. It is given on two occasions, on Tuesday 20th of June and Sunday 25th of June. The time is 20.15 on both occasions. The lecture and the subsequent qi-regulation lasts about 30 minutes. You can then stay and participate in the daily online training between 21.00 – 22.00, even if you otherwise do not join that session. You can attend the lecture even if you are not attending SOL for 18 or 9 days.

If you have attended a Qi-comb course with us before, you can participate in our Qi-Comb Flu course on July 4th. It is given online, the time is 19.30 – 20.40 approx. The course is also a great way to give your comb more qi.

We arrange a weekend with SOL – Summer Course Training Online July 29 – 30. Also, VOL – Winter Course Training Online the weekend of August 19 -20.

Also, do not forget about the excellent opportunity of our daily online training. It will continue every day during the summer, even when we have our other arrangements.

Read more on our website, about these courses and much more.

Remember – the more qi, the more life.