Summer Courses 2002

European Zhineng Qigong Center arranged two nine-day courses in Zhineng Qigong this summer, level 1 and level 2. The courses are very popular, the number of participants have increased from about 20 during the first Summer Course in 1995 to around 300 participants in the courses during the last four years.

Like in previous years, the courses were held in the beautiful village of Hamburgsund in Bohuslän by the Swedish west coast. We live together in the Hamburgsund School, we are served nourishing food and we practise in the large gymnasium. The school is situated in the middle of the village, just by the harbour with its ferry going to the island Hamburgön with its beautiful scenery. A normal day at the course starts with Morning training before breakfast. Between breakfast and dinner, with a break for lunch, we have lectures and education as well as a lot of training. In the evening we have a group training and after that anyone can practise extra.

Training during the Summer Courses 2002 The courses are attended by all sorts of people; men, women, young and old. Some have good health and they wish to learn more about Qigong, others have health problems of various kinds which they hope to fix by joining the courses. What they all have in common is that they see the oppurtunity to affect their quality of life and benefit themselves through the training as well as the deep knowledge and wisdom Dongyue Su shares with us.

The atmosphere was good as usual, with fine fellowship and a definite will to help each other. The professional training gives us an increased relaxation and a greater inner calm, and the evaluation done after the course also bears this out. The nine days disappear quickly and after the course many persons feels that they have recharged their batteries and looks forward to face the daily life with renewed strength. Below some examples of what the participants wrote in their evaluations of the course:

  • “All the time I take small steps forward towards an improved quality of life at all levels. I worry less, get less irritated, more happy, more positive etc.”
  • “I feel much happier and more alive.”

The diagrams below shows some simple statistics from the participants’ answers to a questionnnaire.

Results from level 1

Results from level 1.

Results from level 2

Results from level 2.