Solveig’s way back after the operations

In October 1997 my back was operated because of three slipped disks. The operation took a lot of energy and it was difficult for me to come back. Then I got to hear about the course in Zhineng Qigong. Despite my lack of energy I could attend the course. After the course I participated in the weekly group practice and also in the weekend course here on Åland. My back recovered fast.

Finally I couldn’t resist going to the summer course. After the course I was completely hooked. The results I had heard about before the course were not exaggerated. After the course I didn’t need my glasses anymore. My husband told me to attend the course again as I just kept smiling when I came back home.

My chiropractor once recommended me not to join a course in Sweden as he thought that the journey would put too much strain on my back. Still I went there. After 15 minutes at the course my back was fine.

Solveig's way back after the operations

In the autumn 1998, I had an operation for malignant tumours in the thyroid gland. As soon as I woke up from the anaesthetic I did a Qi regulation. I practiced Qigong in a wash room at the hospital. Soon I got the energy back. A couple of days later they called from the hospital. I had to operate also the other part of the thyroid gland. I was also hit by borealis at this time.

At the same time my husband had a kidney transplant. I felt that I had to keep going because even though he recovered fast he didn’t have much energy. Later my husband got worse and worse but I could take care of him at home. He also died at home. Even this I felt that I could manage in a good way.

I have asthma but I only have to use a small amount of medicine. When tested, the capacities of my lungs are good considering my age. I was told that I have arthritis in one of my knees but the knee has recovered. Now I can walk long distances.

All these things I could handle thanks to Qigong!

Solveig Eriksson