John is healthier, fitter and a lot happier

Reduced weight and felt fitter

I attended my first weekend course in February of 2010. I had met my partner who had been practicing Zhineng Qigong for a while. I was astonished at the way she would came home from work exhausted, then after spending 30 minutes practicing Qigong she would be quite transformed, re-energised and alive. I instantly took to Qigong and started to feel better within myself, my weight began to reduce and I felt fitter.

As a younger man I had been very fit, I was in the RAF as aircrew and flew for 28 years. I ran half marathons and my passion was long distance walking. After I left the Air Force, for many reasons my health and fitness deteriorated. I developed asthma and my weight increased, especially while I was nursing my wife through a terminal illness.

The infection in the lungs disappered during the summercourse

In 2009, around the time I met my new partner I had minor surgery to my hand under a general anaesthetic. Following this I became ill with a chest infection which went on for eight months. Six prescribed courses of antibiotics failed to cure it. My chest was x-rayed the week before I attended summer courses 1 and 2 in 2010; my local doctor was concerned about this x-ray, which showed an area of infection in my right lung. I was given a hospital appointment for the week after my return from Sweden to see a consultant and have a bronchoscopy (introduction of a camera into my lungs), to try and discover what was causing the infection.John is healthier, fitter and a lot happier

On return from Summer Course I attended hospital where my lungs were again x-rayed prior to the camera exploration. The hospital chest consultant was amazed to discover that the x-ray was clear and I was discharged. The doctor’s parting words were, “if I’d seen your x-ray before you went to Sweden I’d have taken you into hospital immediately as the first x-ray showed that you were a very ill man!” The consultant was extremely interested in what I had been doing in Sweden and encouraged me to continue with Qigong as it had produced such a startling result.

Stopped using inhalers

Since Summer School I have steadily reduced my use of inhalers and now no longer need them. I have continued to lose weight and I am returning to a much better level of fitness. I am happier within myself and enjoy a much more active life again. I am delighted to have found Zhineng Qigong and enjoy practicing it daily with my partner.

John Cairnes