Hold Qi Up Osen [2019-10-26]

This time Zhineng Qigong held its first weekend course at “Nynaustet, Osen bygdatun”. Osen is beautifully situated in Trøndelag – on the north Atlantic coast. Several of the participants had to drive far to join the course.

After the lecture several new people joined the course.

During the weekend course we practiced to the sound of waves towards the beach. Outside some ducks quietly svam around.

The course participants made good progress during the course.

Comments from course participants:


“Things went better and better on the course.”

Neck pain disappeared quickly

“I had neck pain. It passed quickly. Now I manage to relax properly. My shoulder has become more flexible. My body feels good.”

Easier to recover

“There is a lot going on. It is easier to recover. I tried to practice patience because I tend to strive too much. I have heard a lot about Zhineng Qigong and have now gained faith in it. Mentally, I am convinced that this can help. I have overcome some pain this weekend, and I will continue with this workout.”

Shoulders more flexible

“My goal has been to calm down, relax, and get more energy out of my work and otherwise in everyday life. Now my shoulders are more flexible.”

Tensions let go

“The course has had a positive effect. My body used to be very stiff. I also have had a lot of performance anxiety. This time, however, I decided to believe that everything will be perfect: I can manage well. Then the tension was released. It was good.”

Better balance

“I need to stress down and I have enjoyed this course very much. I have balance issues. This morning when I was showering, I suddenly discovered that I could stand without sticking to the tap. I have not experienced that before. My balance is now much better. I also feel relaxed. I am thinking of following this up and exercise more.”

Calm down

“I have been stressed and skeptical about a lot, and I needed something to calm down. This course has certainly done the job.”

Asthma better

“I have asthma. Now my chest feels lighter. Last night I slept much better – than for a long time. My knees are progressing.”

Headache disappeared

“Something positive happened to my neck today. I got a severe headache. It was very uncomfortable. Then the headache abruptly disappeared. Now my shoulders are softer.”

Softer and more beautiful

“In 2010 I started practicing Zhineng Qigong. It has been special for me to arrange a Zhineng Qigong course here in Osen. For the first time I am a contact person for Z. Q. here. I am glad we could have this course. Today I see positive improvements in the participants. Everyone has become softer and more beautiful.”

Ingrid Tidemann