Hold Qi up Bollnäs [2004-09-04]

In Bollnäs, which is a city where we’ve arranged many courses through the years, we arranged the first course of the fall season in Sweden. As usual, we had a mix of participants who participated for the first time and who had practised Zhineng Qigong for several years. Many return course after course to take part in the good atmosphare, but also because they understand the importance of being a part of the strong Qi field. Even though Bollnäs offered the most beautiful summer weather, 25 people participated in the course.

The new participants were fast learners, so there was more time for practise, which was appreciated. The results were tangible, several participants expressed that they distinctly felt that they had gained more energy and become more relaxed. A woman told of a pain, which she had had for some time in her finger, a pain which disappeared during the course. An other woman, a first time participant, had lately had problems when fetching plates from the kitchen cupboard. She would experience pain in her elbow when doing this. At home, in the evening after the course on Saturday, she was surprised that she could retrieve the plates without any pain.


Lars Hagner