Hold Qi Up 2 Pjukala [2023-05-06]

The first weekend of May 2023, we held our first continuation course in Finland since 2019. The pandemic has put a stop to our courses, which are now slowly starting again. Many have missed the community and the special qi-field that we have on our “physical” courses.

The atmosphere on the course was characterized by harmony and great joy to meet again and train so many together again. Several expressed their longing for the upcoming Summer Course and Autumn Course in Finland, the later to be held in the same room where the course was now held, in Pjukala.

From the participants’ comments:

Entirely here

“Thank you for a fantastic course, everyone! Great to be able to have one. The first session felt absolutely wow! It has been easy to be completely in the here and now and shut out everything else. Very much looking forward to the autumn course. Thank you!”

Sore shoulder

“I am very grateful for the course, especially for the experience that there are many of us, that we get a course like this, and that there is such excitement for the autumn course. I’ve had pain in my shoulder lately. The same shoulder has also been ill before, and it was damaged again when I fell over. The course has done it good.”

Varicose vein

“I do Qigong in the morning and feel that I am gathering myself for the working day. It does good and I have become addicted to it. I have had varicose veins but they have disappeared. Thanks for a great course! I’ve learned a lot and I’ve met a lot of new people.”

Keep calm

“I have a stressful workplace, can cope better when I exercise, and find it easier to stay calm. Still, it has felt challenging to practice here – to keep disturbing thoughts away, focus on training, to stand correctly. It also gives peace of mind to know at all times that there will be new courses. Like the summer course now soon.”


“Happy that there was a Hold Qi 2 Up and that there are so many of us. The course has gone much easier than I thought and I am a little surprised. I fell ill with TBE just over a year ago and was on sick leave for several months, working part-time for a while. Have forgotten words, not been myself. When I came back, I got covid and a new brain fog. I am absent-minded and forget more than before. EasyCare Wellness Qigong online came as a rescue and I have been training a lot at home. Both online and physical training is very good. I am grateful that there will be an autumn course. It is a lifeline to know that it is being arranged. Thank you!”

Feeling good

“I’ve just felt good, and enjoyed being here. I haven’t had so many ailments in a long time. Looking forward to the autumn course.”


“I sometimes think back to how disappointed and dejected I was when many years ago I trained and trained without noticing any improvement in my diseased foot, and how Dongyue Su explained with the help of a parable what was going on at a summer course. Later, the pain disappeared by itself, and the planned operation was canceled. I’ve had pain in my knee this winter. Last night was the first night that I had no pain. Today I could easily stand and practice. Thank you so much! It’s been a great course.”


“Thank you for the course. It has been good in every way! I have been exercising less than usual lately, but I regularly use Qi-comb and practice La Qi. Both are very good! I’ve lived on it. Thank you!”


“It’s been wonderful to be here! Like coming home again. So nice to just focus on the training. It has given a lot of calm.”

Repeat the movements

“I have had severe spinal cord and brain inflammation, which took four years to recover from. It is good to repeat the movements, you forget over time. Training has gone better today. The course has been nice. Thank you all!”

Online training

“Thank you for the course and all the corrections. I am also grateful for the online training that helps me fall asleep. Otherwise, I have been healthy and have not had a cold for many years. Good to prevent them!”


“This course did a lot of good. I injured my foot just over a month ago, and have therefore exercised mostly sitting and moved less than usual. This has caused pain to start to come back, which I don’t normally have. A few days ago, I also caught a cold. On Friday night, I felt so miserable that I thought I had to forgo the entire course. Now the cold is much better, and today I have done all the training sessions standing up without my foot reacting. Yesterday I felt my back when we did leg bends, but not today. Thank you!”


“It’s been amazing to be here! This place with a nice atmosphere, sun outside and feeling of sun inside, to meet and be here with old acquaintances and new people. It has felt good and motivating with corrections and new stuff in Hold Qi Up. Nice with a two-day course and overnight stay in the same place. I was surprisingly tired yesterday, fell asleep early and slept well. A big thank you for the course!”


“It’s been so much fun! A special house, the qi-field and my Qigong family! The movements are just a small piece, the love between people great. Thank you for being you! Thank you all, I like you!”


Lars Hagner