Helena’s leg recovered

Helena contracted a Borrelia infection after an insect bite In the Summer of 1994 I contracted a Borrelia infection after an insect bite. Due to the problems with my vision I did not start my treatment until after three weeks later. By then the back of my left knee and my lower leg were blotchy red. A treatment with penicillin cured my Borrelia but my calf muscle remained stiff and numb. I was unable to run and it was hard for me to walk.

For three years I practised another type of Qigong without any effect. In June, 2002 I tried Zhineng Qigong and after that I applied for a Summer Course. When I practised my leg started to ache and that is a sign of a change for the better. It continued to ache during a four-day Training Course and on the 2003 Summer Course it had become as supple and useful as my right leg.

Helena Lovén