Summer Course Training Online [2024-06-24]

The pandemic and our long break from courses brought the positive thing that we established joint training online. Because it has been so appreciated by many, we have continued with the online training after the pandemic. Some might choose to only practice online, but the combination of participating in both online training and our regular courses has become particularly popular. The online training is a way for more people to improve the discipline in their training and to be able to participate in our qi-field although you are practicing at home.

Our longest online course, SOL – Summer Course Training Online – has now become a tradition. Starting right after midsummer, we train together for either 9 or 18 days. We practice in the morning for 2 or 3 hours. Being able to start the day with strong training in our special online qi-field and then have the whole day left is something many people enjoy. The training is strong, the qi-field is strong, and you can feel that you are not alone, even though most people practice alone at home. Additionally, several have expressed how much more they get out of the Summer Course later in the summer if they have participated in SOL for 9 or 18 days.

After the course, participants anonymously answer questions. Below you can read a selection of the answers given.

A lot happening

“Strong, a lot has happened in my body and mentally.”

Everything better

“Everything has improved, my steps are easier, I have more energy, my mind lighter. I look forward to continuing the journey at the summer course.”

More energy

“Thank you! Good training and I got more energy.”

Energy boost

“Gave me a very good energy boost! Made me wind down and sleep better!”

Hope back

“I have had many symptoms since the spring of 2020 that have been difficult to get help with from the healthcare system: physical and mental fatigue, muscle weakness, brain fog, blurred vision, instability in all joints but mostly in the pelvis, which has led to a lot of pain and a herniated disc in the lower back in the autumn of 2023. After 18 days of online training, the nerve pain in my back decreased significantly and I can now bend down and do the exercises as before. My vision became clearer, I’m more alert and happier and I’ve got my hope back for a healthier life. THANK YOU!”

Strong and good training

“Don’t want to give up doing this training, it’s so strong and good.”

Qi for my family

“There is a lot of qi that spreads to my family, which I am very happy and grateful for.”

Mental harmony

“My tensions have decreased. Therefore, my pressure to do the movements correctly has decreased and I enter a mental harmony.”

All joints softer

“Softer joints in my whole body and a calm mind.”

Better back

“My lower back problems got better. A bit into the course, I could feel with my hand that a vertebra that bulges outwards had noticeably receded, and you could also see that my scoliosis had become smaller.”

Fresher feeling in the body

“The slight stiffness in my body that usually appears after an intense period at work has disappeared. Have a fresher feeling in my body.”

Clearer mind

“My mind has become clearer and I’ve become more focused on what I do. I’ve therefore got more done with less energy! It’s a very good result for me, who otherwise quickly gets tired and often has my thoughts elsewhere.”

Softer shoulders

“I do the arm training a little better now after the course. The technique is better, and it feels easier to perform it. The shoulders are softer. This is perhaps my best result from SOL. It is also easier for me to relax mentally during la qi and lift up qi.”

Wanting to get up in the morning

“My arms have become stronger, I can manage the whole XSZ well, the first sections were difficult before. The skin disease (keratosis pilaris), with spots, has decreased on my forearms. One of my big toenails which hasn’t had to be cut for a long time has now started to grow again. I’m thankful for finally getting the urge to get up in the mornings, which came towards the end of the 18-day SOL. Been tormented for as long as I can remember by the inability to get up (however, it worked on the last physical Summer Course and Winter Course).”