Hold Qi up Stånga [2004-02-07]

The weekend 7 – 8 February we carried through our first basic Hold Qi Up course in Gotland. Some persons who had earlier participated in our courses in Gothenburg and Kalmar now arranged the course in their home place, Stånga. The goal, after the course, is to meet in the evening once a week and practise. The possibility to practise in a group in their own home area was one of the reasons to arrange a course in Stånga.

The mood was good and the participants had many questions. The result after the two days was also obvious and good. As an example, a woman who since long had no sensibility in the outer most joint of a finger felt how life started to appear in that joint again. Already before the course had ended, the planning activities started for the next course in Gotland. Maybe Visby will be next in turn.


Lars Hagner