Two months before coming on this, my first Summer Course, I had never heard about Qigong. I did not know about my heart condition either. I was vigorous, happy and lived a good life. I loved my job as a restoration architect. One of my goals was to work until I died, not to work to death. My other goal was to die healthy. I actually thought that that was possible.
But then I had a bad reaction to some medication I had taken. It triggered vascular spasms, something my mother suffered from at one time. As for myself, I had never had any problems with my heart, I felt healthy and strong.
I was diagnosed with a heart disease
In the beginning of May 2017, I was examined at the health centre in Varberg and it was established that my heart was not healthy. It came as a complete surprise and I would never have thought that I had a serious heart disease. The doctor called me on my cell phone and said that I had to go to for emergency treatment immediately. I was put on an ambulance stretcher and driven to the hospital in Halmstad with blue lights at the highest speed. An X-ray of the coronary arteries was done and it did not look good. The infarct had already started. I had a stricture where the aorta comes down into the heart. Surgery at Sahlgrenska was the only option and the operation would take place a couple of days later. The doctor said that the surgical operation was dangerous but that I did not have any choice. When I woke up after the surgery, the doctor told me that it went well. “How do you know that”, I asked. “You are alive”, the doctor answered.
My problems began afterwards. Then I got cardiac fibrillation and I did not feel well at all. My heart beat very irregular and fast. Liquid gathered in the lung and when it was drained, the inner pleura was perforated. Because of this I have spent almost all my time at the hospital since the 8th of May until the week before the Summer Course.
Was recommended the Summer Course by a friend
During my time at the hospital, a good friend of mine called and when she heard about what had happened, she immediately said: “You are joining the Summer Course in Qigong. Register now!” I called the organization and told them about the heart operation and asked if there were any limitations. I got the answer that “well, the worse you feel, the more you get out of the course.”
When I came to the course, I did not feel very well. I had pains from my heart beating so fast and irregularly. At the hospital, they had not managed to slow down the pulse below 100. They tried through medication and gave me two cardioversions (a medical procedure to restore normal heart rhythm) to calm down the heart but it did not stay calm. My pulse was constantly between 100 and 150.
My pulse slowed down
Straight away, after the first day of the Summer Course, my body felt calmer. After a couple of days, I asked a nurse, who also participated at the course, to check my pulse. It was 62! That was powerful
What makes me even happier is that I have got my joy of life back! I lost it completely when I got ill and at the hospital I was thinking that it would have been much better if I died. Then at least I would have died happy.
Now, Qigong is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I am very happy and grateful. I have received a tool to fulfil my goals in life: To die healthy. I also want to work until I die.
Per Arne