Gerd no longer has tinnitus and is not afraid of flying anymore

I first heard about Zhineng Qigong in 2001, when I got an opportunity to participate in a basic course through my work. Our safety representative at work took the initiative to arrange this course. After I had learned the method I continued to practise.

Everyday life

When I started to practise I did not have any physical troubles. But after a short time I realized that I could use the training as a tool to deal with stress and keep calm at work. This made me want to continue.

No tinnitus anymore

For quite some time I suffered from tinnitus, which had become part of my life. At the summer course of 2014 I noticed that my hearing had changed. Suddenly I could clearly hear what people around me said without any disturbing noises. From that day it has been quiet in my head.

Straighter back and less problems with a cold sore

As a bonus my back has started to straighten out. From having been very crooked my back is almost completely straight now. Another improvement I experienced is that I almost completely got rid of cold sores after my first summer course. Previously this was a frequently recurring problem.

Got rid of my fear of flying

Through my work I got the possibility to participate in an educational project. At first I declined since the project meant I would have to make trips abroad by plane. But they persuaded me to join in the project after all and I used the relaxation exercises I had learned at the qigong-courses. The exercises helped me to keep calm and I have no longer fear of flying.

Gerd Gustavsson